Friday, March 26, 2010

She's ours:) Spread the word

So when we went to Missouri to get you, as you remember, we weren't sure if we were actually going to be coming home with you. I spent many tearful hours on the phone with your Muuma. After we finally went in to meet with the judge because the adoption had been approved to continue, I wrote a text to Muuma. She sent it to me the other day, because she thought it would be special for me to have, and it was. It said, "She's ours:) Spread the word". I thought you too might think that was special to have.

Mommy and Tai

For some reason I clicked to rotate this picture counter clockwise and it still didn't work. Oh well you might have to turn your head for a little bit to get a good look. The other night your dad and brother and sister ran to the store for a bit so I decided to take some pictures of us with my camera phone. I just like taking pictures of me and my baby girl Tai Tai.

Thermopolis Trip 2010

So every year we try to make it to Thermopolis, WY. It is a hot springs park and they have different pools that are all filled with, well, hot springs. The water is so warm and so it's fun to swim outside no matter how cold it is. We got a little floatie for you and you loved it. Not once did you cry to get out. You just layed back and floated around with us and enjoyed the ride. You were so comfortable that you even fell asleep in it. That was one of the cutest things I have seen.

Gerber Baby:)

You are such a beautiful baby. Both you and your sister, Kadrie, have been the prettiest babies I have ever seen. You are so photogenic and you LOVE to smile. Even at strangers you can't seem to hold them back. It's so obvious what a happy and easy going disposition you have. I can't wait to see what you will become. The other day after you got done eating, your dad and I were taking pictures of you to get you to smile. The first one on this post is our favorite. Seriously, I think you should be a Gerber baby model. Anywhere we go people always oooo and ah over what a pretty baby you are. I don't think there is a time where I have ever been out with you where at least one person didn't make a fuss. I love it!

Tai Tai's First Spoon Feeding:)

A few weeks ago you turned 4 months. Where has the time gone? I can't believe you are already that old. I even had to put away your 0-3 month clothes and bring out your 3-6 month ones. It feels like overnight you went from being a baby baby to being this baby that is always looking around, trying to sit up, grabbing at everything (especially your sisters hair), smiling and giggling. Yes, giggling, and it is the cutest giggle. I'll have to video tape it and post that. You are such a great baby and we love you soooooo much. Your dad and I were talking the other day about how fun it is just to sit and watch you smile. You have been sleeping through the night since you were 5 weeks old, and I don't just mean 6 hours, you sleep for like 12 hours. These pictures are of us feeding you your first solids, which was bananas. You weren't quite sure what to do and I think most of it ended up on your bib, but now it's been a couple of weeks and you have finally got it. We have only fed you applesauce and bananas but you love them and it's obvious how much you like real food. Any time we eat in front of you, you make grunting noises and reach for it with your eyebrows raised. It's so cute. Oh I almost forgot to mention, you can also hold your own bottle. I'm sorry, I may seem like a bragging mom and I might be a bit biased but I think that shows how freakin smart you are. Your dad and I always talk about how smart we think you are. You really are a blessing from our Heavenly Father:)!